Investment and operation of biomass biogas project
Equipment production and sales
Yingchuang Hemei integrates financial capital and industrial capital in the way of “guided by government, led by enterprise, and market operation”, linking upstream aquaculture enterprises with downstream cultivation enterprises.
With organic fertilizer and biogas fertilizer as the bridge, the planting and breeding are combined. It invests to build regional agricultural organic waste comprehensive treatment centers and ecological agricultural planting demonstration parks centering on complete professional treatment of manure, disposal of livestock dying of illness, biogas comprehensive utilization, organic fertilizer production and sale.
Yingherui integrates the investment from financial investors to build an agricultural waste treatment center centering on biogas power generation and organic fertilizer production,
and integrates breeding and planting enterprises to process their manure from breeding and straw from planting into new energy and organic fertilizer through the center, thus promoting the development of derivative industries, and realizing the combination of planting and breeding, as well as ecological cycle development in the region.
The government plays a leading role to build a project platform. Yingchuang Hemei forms a partnership with corporate capital to invest in the construction of a regional organic waste comprehensive treatment center,
and integrates the upstream N breeding enterprises and the downstream N planting enterprises to build a green recycling industry chain centering on biogas power generation and organic fertilizer production.
Large-scale breeding enterprise
Biogas power generation
Organic fertilizer production
Planting enterprise A
Planting enterprise B
Planting enterprise C
Breeding farm A
Breeding farm B
Breeding farm C
Biogas power generation
Organic fertilizer production
Planting farm A
Planting farm B
Planting farm C